This workshop explores the miraculous in our daily lives. All religious and nonreligious backgrounds are welcome. The only requirement is an interest in adventuring into the possibility of a beyond that permeates our present physical existence--and a willingness to be surprised.
Writing as Meditation: The Benefits of Journaling
By JACKIE HENDRY for South Dakota Public Broadcasting
Life can be hectic - and for many people, the holiday season can bring a seemingly endless list of to-dos and deadlines. But what if you could find a little peace by picking up a pen? The health benefits of writing and journaling are gaining more attention in research, but for some people this is nothing new…
the 7
to Get in
by Dr. Kaiya Ansorge
Riddled with Wonder
How to Incorporate Koan Meditation into Your Practice and Your Life
by Dr. Kaiya Ansorge
What is a koan?
A koan is a phrase or word that is used in meditation to train the mind. Usually, the koan is somewhat puzzling in order to invite the mind to open in unusual ways. In fact, the term is often translated as “riddle.”
Mindful Writing
on Keloland Living with Brittany Kaye
Mindfulness Through Writing
By JOSHUA HAIAR • SEP 10, 2019
South Dakota Public Broadcasting
In The Moment with Lori Walsh ... September 10, 2019 Show 655 Hour 1
An adjunct faculty in counseling and psychological education at the University of South Dakota, Kaiya Ansorge has always loved to write.
Managing COVID Stress: Coping Behaviors
By JOSHUA HAIAR • NOV 17, 2020
South Dakota Public Broadcasting
In The Moment with Lori Walsh … November 17, 2020 Show 943 Hour 2
People have responded to the pandemic in several different ways. And of our coping behaviors can be a bit ... maladaptive. Are there ways to redirect ourselves and make this experience more meaningful? Kaiya Ansorge is an adjunct instructor in counseling & psychological education at the University of South Dakota. She joins us today with her thoughts.
What People Are Saying...
“As a long-time psychotherapist and educator and supervisor of the next generation of psychotherapists, it is critical for me to have resources to recommend to clients that will assist in moving them beyond, for example, a repaired marriage, a decreased depression, or a complicated grief experience. Ideally, such writings will provide epiphanies and revelations of the more transcendent variety, far beyond 'self-help' and into a higher plane of self-understanding and spiritual empowerment. I am excited that Kaiya Ansorge is offering such powerful perspectives, with some prescriptive applications, through witness, insight, and beautiful and engaging prose. Her work is not only good medicine for those with whom I work, but also for myself as I move forward as a wounded healer who is just as in need of enlightenment as anyone else who seeks it. That she is offering this to the masses is a true blessing.”
—Nicholas Wilkens, Ph.D., LPC, LMFT
Marriage and Family Therapist, Counselor
Owner of Insight Education, LLC.
San Antonio, TX
“Kaiya offers a unique perspective on life that has helped me many times when I find myself backing into a corner. Using guided meditation, prayer, loving self-talk, and laughter, she provides ideas and options for navigating my way back to my most authentic self. Through her sunshiny care—coupled with her precision in communicating that care—Kaiya reminds us that we are ageless souls having a human experience.”
—Ruth Michelle Matkin, R.N., D.O.M.
Acupuncturist and Nurse
Albuquerque, NM
“Kaiya ignites your mind: she’ll help you explore and wonder and grow. Kaiya embraces your heart: she will help you on your path toward wholeness. Kaiya’s words and work inspire a greater level of creativity and productivity in your spirit life.”
—Steve Pannkuk, M.Div.
Transition Pastor and Life Coach
Rochester, MN
“When Kaiya responds to something I share, I am amazed at how well she ‘gets it’ and then reflects it back in a way that helps me feel understood and supported…a mix of empathy and wisdom.”
—Michele Ramakrishnan, LMT
Massage Therapist and Yoga Teacher
Sioux City, IA

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One sultry night while I was living in India, recovering from two major surgeries, I had a dream. I dreamed that I woke up and realized I could fly, so I stepped outside my house and flew into the air. I soared towards a massive Gothic Cathedral. I thought that edifice was my destination, but then I sailed right through it. As I passed beyond its last spire, I looked down upon a bustling town square. I swooped towards a young man who was bent in his hurry across the expanse. I whispered in his ear, "I love you." The magic was such that he did not hear me. Instead, he heard that blessing as from within himself. He suddenly felt lovable and whole. He stood taller. Then he said to himself, "I will go home and tell my wife how much I love her." I flew off to whisper into others' ears the love that they so needed. As I woke, I gasped, "That is what we get to do when we are dead! We get to fly around and bless people with love!"
Only later, I realized that is also what I hope to do in my writing. I want to be one of the many writers who help others rediscover who they are and why they are here, and give them encouragement to grasp hold of this one sacred life that we have.